Sayonly has started talking about the relationship between blogs and media:
He will talk about webzine, xplus, and blogs, different kinds of online media and about perceptions in china about blogs. Poll results and talks w/ IT experts in china, he will also show how people in china view blogs.

Its pretty early to talk about blogs as media in china right now is what some people say because people say they're still very amateur. First takes a look at how the media reports on blogs.
He talks about recent businessweek article on blogs and about the point of that article.
Now he's showing boingboing, digforfire - which is a webzine on music in chinese, xplus - a chinese website started in 2003. Its a desktop client to subscribe to online magazines.
Next slide: webzinesShows examples of a couple u.s. ones: the revealer and "the raw story" while talking in depth about the history of webzines in the u.s. He's introducing them to the chinese audience and is talking about editorial structure of webzines.
He's now talking about the chinese webzine subscription platform xplus & explaining how it works. Continues to explain in some detail how xplus works - its a desktop client that enables you to subscribe to webzines and now moving on to some blog related ventures -
AlwaysOn. He's talking about opsn-source media and insider network with always on, there is a super-blog, with lots of people blogging within it, but while each has an rss feed subscribers not big.

Now SayOnly talks about slashdot and the founder and the history of how slashdot came to work. Explaining how slashdot's community site works in great detail. When it was small, how the spam could be managed by hand but as it grew things had to get more mediated by a group,then eventually thing had to be automated.
Talks about how it started in 1998 with first post, then grew in 6 months to an explosively large site. He is still explaining the community reputation system within slashdot which determines how prominently your post is featured. Talking about the democratic model of media which slashdot presents, and how its a good model for chinese sites. more about slashdots' (success).
Now SayOnly is talking about gawker media:He's introducing the various authors of the blogs within gawker media, like wonkette's ana marie cox, gizmodo's joel johnson, jalopnik, fleshbot, defamer, screenhead, lifehacker, etc. He's talking about each gawker media author one by one in great detail.

Now talking about
Nick Denton who's the founder of Gawker Media. Talking about the spat between nick denton and dave winer - about rss, etc.
SayOnly is now doing the summary:

-lessons: all of these successful online media have a strong capable leader behind them
-Successful blog media have a really all star author team
Now he's showing results of a poll about blogs">
Now looking at results of impact on blogs:
-75% said blog can be media
-16.2 think that blog isnt media ... etc...
-86% thought that blogs commercial potential still not ripe
Talking about his discussions about blogs w/ 2 different bloggers:
-fangjun of
-michael anti believes that blogs can fill in gaps that media doesnt fill
-mushiyuliang "priestliu":
He thinks govt should have more open view towards blogs in china
-laoyao: another blogger, thinks blogs can give us windows into peoples lives better than other media
-lilao, another blogger (too fast, didnt catch)
-anke, reporter - is creating a search tool
he believes that blogs can supplement other media

-webleon another blogger.. (didnt' catch, hes going really fast and mumbling now)
-wozy: has a very complicated view about blogs and their impact
Sayonly says that 2006 will be a very important year for blogs in china
[UPDATE: Rebecca just created a bloglines aggregator with as many participant blogs as she knows of here:
If you know others she's missing, please email her on rebecca.mackinnon(at)]
Tagged: cnbloggercon
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