Isaac mao explaining why this conference is organized
Isaac says: "everybody is somebody", every blog has a position in the blogosphere
Issac Mao is now talking about development of chinese blogosphere
He is describing the evolution of blogs in china:
hard to say exactly what point it has arrived, exactly how developed chinese blogs are is hard to say.
isaac says: from 2002 isaac started to search for chinese blogs
and thats how he came across zheng xiaoyun, the blogger
and they decided to start
He was talking about his early experience of blogging in China
to explain to chinese how to start a blog at that time there were no chinese blog hosting companies so they wrote a blogging handbook for chinese bloggers
in 2002 he knew all of the chinese bloggers but by end of 2003 he had no way to know all of them now it's totally impossible to know all of them, there are so many of them
but there are a lot of chinese blogger superstars, and he really wants to meet all of them
theres a problem that if your blogroll gets over 150 blogs you get to info overflow
he's going to talk about methods he uses to keep on top of so many blogs
slide: from discrete to spectrum
there are a number of key events in chinese blog history: fanxingdong, muzimei, furong jiejie,etc
there is even a chinese soldier blogging
this is amazing
this shows how diversified the chinese blogosphere has become
so isaac says he knows there are people from all kinds of professions here
some who know each other or who have friends of friends
chinese blogosphere is reflecting a certain face of chinese society
hopes that blogs will represent a real grassroots voice of china
technorati: real time web
there is a tag: cnbloggercon
chinese bloggers are all using that tag
we are finding increasingly we have a live real-time web
that's the biggest development in the chinese blogosphere
he hopes that china will achieve 20-30 million bloggers in the next few years
that would also be good business for the blog hosting companies
so why does isaac write a blog?
lots of people ask him why he blogs every day
his mission in 2002-04 was to convince every 1 out of 10 people to blog
now no longer necessary cause so many people are already bloggers
blogging hasnt yet reached all corners of society but hoping that blogging will help to reflect all corners of chinese society in real time, eventually
hopes we can use our blogs as personal asset
lately chinese bloggers keep having to move their blog addresses and servers around
its like being homeless
but hopes that eventually our blogs will become our life's memory record
Issac's been in the IT business for 10 years
he finds that every time he moves from one job to another he leaves his knowledge behind
your blog is a way to have more continuity and to create your lifelong contribution to knowledge
lifelong business: how can you use your blog to create your lifelong business
from personal perspective its our personal asset
our social capital which we can maintain
hope that bloggers will view it that way
so here in china where some of the circumstances are not so good
bloggers should make demands to blog-hosting services about what services they need in order to turn their blogs into lifelong businesses and lifelong assets
next slide: from isolation to connection.
this meeting was organized largely online with very small budget
this meeting was organized through blogs
there are all kinds of blogs: photo, video, etc., we used all these kinds of tools to plan and promote the chinese blogger conference
as soon as we announced the conference 40-50 people immediately volunteered
everybody is a perticipant
everybody is citizen journalists
you can all report on this conference and voice your views about it.
there is no difference between organizers and participants anymore
now we need to think more how we should have more interaction between chinese bloggers and the rest of the world
most information has been going in one direction from english blogs to chinese blogs
much less going the other way,
but recently there has been more bidirectional information exchange
more and more people are doing translation in between english and chinese blogospheres
with the web, we have gone from isolated individuals to a network
we link together
people are interacting through links between each other,
yesterday was the first timemany of the organizers met each other but were already good friends online
the most important: how can we bring people together people more directly
how you can get to know the individual people online through their blogs
early blogger, zheng, we need computer connection directly into brain but blog is increasingly just like that, your brain online.
----- Thanks to Rebecca for the translation, i'm blogging this as the chat transcript goes on, i'll release the pod cast and webcast for it soon :)-----
Tagged: cnbloggercon